AICPA SOC Service Organizations - Certrec

Chris White and Dawn Santos Join Certrec’s Office of NERC Compliance Team

51- Chris White and Dawn Santos Join Certrec’s Office of NERC Compliance Team- Press Release - Featured Image- Certrec
Nuclear power and electric generation engineer added to Certrec’s Office of NERC Compliance team.
Fort Worth, Texas (PRWEB)

Certrec, a leading regulatory compliance and online technology service provider for NRC and NERC compliance, announced its participation in the 2019 Utility Services Alliance (USA) Nuclear Generator and Supplier Executive Summit to be held June 18-21, 2019, in San Antonio, Texas. As it has done in past years, Certrec will sponsor the event’s Wi-Fi service.

The USA Executive Summit provides a forum for a variety of stakeholders to collaborate for mutual success in operating commercial nuclear power plants. “Our company goal,” reports Certrec’s Business Planning Executive Director Chip Perkins, “is to increase awareness of how Certrec can help nuclear operators reduce costs while preserving nuclear safety. Our technology solutions are easy to use, can be readily customized, and yield a fairly quick return on investment.”

Certrec is launching a complete redesign of its exhibit. Both Chip Perkins and Technical Services Director Mark Reidmeyer will be on hand at booth 800 to talk about Taxtik®, Performance Data Index, Certrec®TV, Inspection Management System, and other Certrec products.

“San Antonio is a beautiful location, said Mark Reidmeyer. “We look forward to introducing some of Certrec’s advanced regulatory and technology solutions to chief nuclear officers and other industry management.”


Founded in 1988, Certrec is an engineering and technology-based regulatory support services organization that has developed exceptional capabilities to support the electric power industry’s regulatory activities emanating from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and Regional Entities (NERC), and others.

Certrec’s industry professionals have direct working experience in all regulatory areas of licensing, compliance, and engineering. This expertise, combined with Certrec’s Information Technology assets, gives the electric power industry technology-based solutions and tools designed specifically to help them manage regulatory issues.

Nuclear, fossil, and renewable generation and transmission utilities and entities across the United States rely on Certrec’s highly skilled team to help direct the regulatory process to their advantage.

Certrec’s quality services and information security management system are ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certified. Also, Certrec successfully has completed the annual Type 2 SOC 2 examinations of its Document Management and Regulatory Services. Certrec’s performance of these annual examinations and audits assures clients of its commitment to maintaining or exceeding current levels of service.
