AICPA SOC Service Organizations - Certrec

NERC Compliance Teams Stay Up-to-Date on Vital Industry News with Certrec’s New GRC Data Platforms

27- NERC Compliance Teams Stay Up-to-Date on Vital Industry News with Certrec’s New GRC Data Platforms - Press Release - Featured Image- Certrec
Certrec, a leading regulatory compliance and advanced online technology provider, aims to keep NERC compliance professionals current with crucial industry information with the release of its new compliance tools, RegSource® GRC and Recall® GRC.

Fort Worth, Texas February 10, 2021 – Certrec, a leading provider of NERC regulatory compliance and advanced online solutions proudly announced the release of its newest compliance tools, RegSource® GRC and Recall® GRC.

RegSource® GRC provides daily email notifications that include a host of critical industry knowledge, ranging from “Smart Notices” of current industry information and news to meetings, webinars, and training reports from FERC, NERC, and the regions. The new solution works in tandem with another recently developed tool, Recall® GRC, which is an electronic documents library that holds NERC, regional, and industry documents from over 100 industry sites in one location. Each Smart Notice is linked to corresponding industry documents within Recall GRC. Together, they offer NERC compliance personnel both critical information and suggestions for appropriate response actions.

“Many of our clients start their day by reviewing our RegSource® GRC emails,” explained Michelle Thomas, Certrec’s Executive Director of Operations. “In doing so, they are able to stay abreast of important industry information and even redistribute those hours previously needed for research to more productive functions. The regulation and enforcement practices in this industry are constantly changing, and RegSource® GRC empowers subscribers to have a compliance readiness posture that is proactive, instead of reactive.”

North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) regularly levies sanctions to ensure mitigation of reliability violations. In 2019, NERC imposed a jaw-dropping $10 million fine on a single power plant for 127 separate violations, which were mostly CIP-related. RegSource® GRC and Recall® GRC help clients avoid such fines by providing insight into the most recent information that is essential for registered entities to take heed to, such as NERC issued directives that promptly address and deter new or future violations.

“There are so many parts to regulatory compliance that it is hard to have all the expert knowledge that your staff needs to be successful,” notes Ted Enos, Certrec President/CEO. “Each day, our SMEs review vital industry news and write Smart Notice alerts for RegSource® GRC with high-level actionable information on mandates and procedures. The alerts are then linked to the related documents that are found in our Recall® GRC tool, and this ensures that our clients have access to the resources they need to continue supplying power to the grid.”

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Founded in 1988, Certrec is a leading regulatory compliance and advanced online technology service provider. Certrec’s highly skilled, experienced industry professionals possess degrees in a variety of engineering disciplines—such as civil, electrical, mechanical, and nuclear—as well as in physics, communications, business, and information technology. This accomplished team has direct working experience in all regulatory areas of licensing, compliance, and engineering, including nuclear, fossil, and renewable generation and transmission. This combination of direct industry experience with our innovative information technology capabilities has led to the development of advanced, web-based technology solutions and tools that help our clients manage the regulatory process.

Certrec’s significant expertise in all facets of the regulatory process includes the realm of NERC regulatory compliance. Its Office of NERC Compliance staff has helped more than 120 different generating facilities establish and maintain NERC Compliance Programs. Currently, Certrec provides the entire NERC compliance program for more than 45 registered sites located in the US and Canada that trust our ability to decrease their regulatory, operational, financial, and public opinion risk.

Certrec is ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certified, ensuring that its web tools and facilities comply with an internationally recognized standard of best practices regarding business, cyber and physical security, and control. Also, Certrec successfully completed a SOC 2 Type 2 examination where the scope of Document Management and Regulatory Services was examined against the Trust Services principles of Security, Availability, and Confidentiality. Certrec is committed to undergoing similar annual examinations and audits to maintain or exceed current levels of service.

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