Nuclear Energy Services
Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports (UFSARs)
Certrec’s managed service for UFSARs.
Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports
What is a UFSAR?
The UFSAR is one of the licensing basis documents managed by licensing staff in nuclear power plants regulated by the NRC. The UFSAR is typically a compilation document, and it will sometimes have sections for the Tech Specs, Emergency Plan, and other LBDs. Usually they are simply one-sentence pointers to other documents like the Tech Specs, which are large enough to be constituted in a separate file. The UFSAR is a good place to look when first learning about a particular system, structure, or component associated with a project.
The UFSAR is also a seldom utilized, highly complex activity with unknown pitfalls that can present surprises to the uninitiated.
Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports
Certrec’s Managed Services For UFSARs - “It would be a miracle!”
This is what a Certrec client said recently upon learning about Certrec’s ever growing service to manage ongoing UFSAR updates for nuclear licensees.
For commercial nuclear plant personnel, processing a UFSAR update is what is titled an IPTE (Infrequently Performed Test or Evolution). An IPTE is a key concept at a nuclear site because it presents a human error trap since the associated actions aren’t performed that often. For commercial nuclear plants, UFSAR updating occurs only every 18 to 24 months. For our clients, the Certrec team is performing UFSAR updates for many UFSAR projects on an ongoing basis, 7 days a week, all year long. Our team is recognized as the industry experts. We can manage a nuclear site UFSAR update for a fraction of a full-time-equivalent and perform the task with high quality.
Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports
Why Use Certrec’s UFSAR Managed Service Program?
Certrec’s UFSAR Managed Service Program means your team can:
- Devote your efforts on strategic matters
- Reduce the risk of NRC rejection and penalties
- Stop being bogged down with complexity
- No need to retrain employees for a relatively infrequent but complex activity
Certrec’s UFSAR knowledge sharing:
In 2022 Certrec-sponsored UFSAR focused webinars to better understand the challenges and requirements of producing UFSARs. We discussed the issues of version control, electronic submittals, managing the effects of downsizing and loss of critical staff, as well as high impact UFSAR changes. We discussed how the UFSAR is performed only rarely at an 18 to 24 month cycle which causes a scarcity of experts in the power plant who truly understand how to manage and submit UFSARs effectively. The risks of being rejected and triggering other issues can be high with such a seldom utilized, highly complex activity with unknown pitfalls that might increase the risks of failure.
What contributes to UFSAR failures and successes?
Our team of experts are ready to discuss with you what they know about UFSARs.
We can help you develop UFSAR best practices and answer your questions about this tough but necessary NRC requirement.
Let us work a miracle for you. Contact us at